The story of LEADERSCAPE begins with a vision and a purpose. The vision – to help pastors in their endeavours to help people. Globally, Michael had been assisting those in ministry for years, whilst a Lead Pastor himself, but it became time to get focused on helping more pastors, more often.
Michael catalysed his experience in the non-profit sector, initially as Associate Minister of Hillsong church, for its first 12 years, then as Senior Pastor of Shirelive, in Sydney’s south, for 18 years.
During these 3 decades, as well as launching a number of non-profit initiatives, both locally and globally, as well as serving on a number of board of Directors, Michael continued his keen interest in coaching leaders in the corporate and church sectors.
Michael’s field of ministry also has included positions on boards around the world for a couple of decades and, in particular, with Alphacrucis, as Chairman of the Board. Its journey to become Australia’s first Pentecostal Christian University has progressed under his leadership.
The new season of Leaderscape now marks a convergence of his 35 years of leadership experience, cross-cultural sensitivity and a Master’s Degree in leadership.
The journey has progressed for almost a decade, and Leaderscape has expanded towards its global vision of ten nations and languages, with its resources also available in Spanish, with more to come!
Together with his wife Valery, they have raised three children, each now successful in their respective fields. Leah, a film producer in Sydney after training in London, married with two beautiful daughters. Ryan, a senior associate lawyer in Sydney, specialising in employment and married with two great young boys. After moving to the USA and becoming a pastor at one of America’s great churches, Elyse is now a coach and speaker, running businesses in California. They are indeed a ‘global’ family!
They travel much of the year to encompass their ‘Face to Face’ partners and run online programs with weekly coaching calls, reaching pastors of churches from 200 people right through to multi campus churches running into the thousands.
And every church and each pastor is important and valued greatly.
Leaderscape helps pastors. And they love them!