Thank you for your interest in our Leaderscape resources and for your application for a call.

Given the COVID season, we are currently receiving 70-80 requests per week from pastors who want us to provide help. And though Michael’s heart is to help everyone at this stage, it is not possible for us to do so.

Leaderscape is best geared to help churches over 200-300 in attendance, but as I’ve already said, we do have a desire to help as many as we can. From time to time, Michael will invite someone that is leading a smaller church into Leaderscape.

Having said that, and in the meantime, here are some free resources for you and access to our Momentum bundle.

Click here to access the Momentum Bundle
To access the Free Resources, click here

Please, enjoy the resources. We know that you will benefit from them If you put them into practice.

